A piece of felt, a strand of ribbon, a pinch of salt, a dash of oil, if I think it, I WILL CREATE IT! I look to create whether it’s in my kitchen on my stove or on the table crafting away! This is what I love to do!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Ok so here it is my "New Blog" I had a hard time intertwining my personal blog with my creative ventures. I would want to pin something onto Pinterest, or would have another blogger want to share a link and well I just felt uncomfortable. So my life, family, friends is on my personal blog and all my crazy craftiness is on this one! So now I can feel comfortable sharing my ideas, craftiness, horrible sewing skills and major ninja glue gun skills here and I don't mind someone I may never meet taking a peek! If you have any questions about something I have done or if you see anything on my blog and would like a tutorial PLEASE let me know! Leave me comment, give me advice or just say "hi." :) This is my new venture and I would love your input or advice just remember I'm no pro! I am a horrible speller my grammer skills are just pathetic but this girl has a glue gun and knows how to use it!
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